torstai 2. tammikuuta 2020

Beginning of the journey to a millionaire

I'm here to write about my journey of becoming a millionaire. I will share my experiences, with successes and failures. One big reason for this blog is to clarify my plans and help to stick to them. I try to write every couple months if I have anything to share with you.

I'm 26 years old man, and beginner blog writer. I live in southern Finland and I've been working as software developer for four years by now. I'm living with my girlfriend (future wife), a baby girl and a dog.

Current state

I am not going to have easy start in my saving journey because of my current life situation with a baby and girlfriend staying home taking care of her. I have also weddings coming next summer which will take big part of our current savings. Most of the bills and loans are currently for me to pay until my girlfriend return to work.

Here is the most of my "fixed" costs:
  • Mortage 500€/month
  • Car loan 270€/month
  • Monthly bills (electric water etc.) 100-400€/month
  • Student loan 100€/month
  • Groceries 350€/month
My current monthly income after taxes is about 2300€/month, so after paying all of those expenses I have 650-950€ for savings and for incidental expenses, which is not even closely enough if I want to achieve my goals in decent amount time and not spend my whole life just saving money. I have also about 7000€ savings to start with, but it's going to be used next summer for my weddings and paying rest of my car loan. So I'm starting from almost zero, but hopefully the accumulation of savings will accelerate after summer.


My goal is obviously to become a millionaire. I will be pleased when I have enough passive income that I'm not dependent on income from day job, but of course I'm reaching for more than just that.
Currently I have some ideas what I'm going to do to increase my incomes, but it is not completely clear yet how I can increase it enough to achieve my goals in 10 years or less. Any ideas for alternate income sources are welcome.

My planned sources of income are:
  • Day job
  • Programming websites on "free time"
  • Investing in stock market
  • Investing in real estate

It probably will take at least a year before all of the above start producing money. To start investing in real estate I need at least 10 000€ cash, so that will happen next year. Before that I will study about real estate investing so hopefully I can avoid big mistakes. I also have one website in progress that I believe could start making some money end of this year.

One important thing is also investing in myself. In the beginning, there aren't many concrete things that I can do to increase my income so I'll start reading books that make me better at what I do and what I dream of doing.

First milestone

I have set some measurable goals for first year:
  • No more car loan.
  • At least 10 000€ savings

My first year goals are quite moderate, but it's not too easy to achieve. When I achieve those I'll be ready to start real estate investing and also have cut 270€ of monthly expenses that I can use to make more money.

I would be happy to have a feedback from my writing or if you want to me to write about some specific topic. Also if you have any tips or book or YouTube channel recommendations that could help me in my journey please leave a comment.

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